Saturday, January 1, 2011

MEST 4 Xmas Task #2


MacKinnon, K. (2003). Representing men maleness and masculinity in the media. London: Arnold.
Arthur Brittan - "biology and soicety are never seperate - they maturally consituate eachother, hence the 'true facts' of biology & pristine and uninterpreted. The are always mediated, The 'facts' of sexual differences are 'facts' by the virtue of ... generalized beliefs... "

"social rewards fir being 'real' men or 'real' women.... In society actual women and men present themselves demand to be precieved as real"

"male sexuality involves alienatiomn under the gender system, a great deal of literature on sexuality takes no account of such aspects of construction of gendered identity"

"'hypermasculinty'( the exaggerated display of what are culturally taken to be macho thaits) overcompensates"

masculinity in advertising
"male charecters in an advertisment has the required authority & suggests the appropriate power is through visual apperance"

"strength suggested not only in terms of physic. But also in the suggestion of his influence and business sucess."

Gauntlett, D. (2008). Media, gender and identity: an introduction. (2. ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
Men's magazines

In the second edition, I discussed some of the most prominent themes in today’s men’s lifestyle magazines, rather than going through particular magazine titles one by one. But, for those who want it - although it is now necessarily dated - the more detailed discussion of particular men’s magazines from the first edition appears here.

Coad, D. (2008). The metrosexual: gender, sexuality, and sport. Albany: SUNY Press.
“It is through patriarchy that power is attributed to males and withheld from females”

“the gender categories of masculine and feminine are fundamental to the structure of patriarchal power” (52)

Heteroeroticism is defined as an “erotic interest in gender different from one’s own” (64)

“It is commonly believed that sports helps produce men, there is a close connection between athletic proficiency and masculine gender status”


Coad, D. (2008). The metrosexual: gender, sexuality, and sport. Albany: SUNY Press

MacKinnon, K. (2003). Representing men maleness and masculinity in the media. London: Arnold.

Gauntlett, D. (2008). Media, gender and identity: an introduction. (2. ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

Knoop, B. v. (2006). Metrosexuality: development and validation of the metrosexual scale. Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit.

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