Sunday, December 12, 2010

Quotes from books

reputation of men - Kenneth Mackinnon
(maleness & masculinity in the media)

Arthur Brittan - "biology and soicety are never seperate - they maturally consituate eachother, hence the 'true facts' of biology & pristine and uninterpreted. The are always mediated, The 'facts' of sexual differences are 'facts' by the virtue of ... generalized beliefs... "

"social rewards fir being 'real' men or 'real' women.... In society actual women and men present themselves demand to be precieved as real"

"male sexuality involves alienatiomn under the gender system, a great deal of literature on sexuality takes no account of such aspects of construction of gendered identity"

"'hypermasculinty'( the exaggerated display of what are culturally taken to be macho thaits) overcompensates"

masculinity in advertising

"male charecters in an advertisment has the required authority & suggests the appropriate power is through visual apperance"

"strength suggested not only in terms of physic. But also in the suggestion of his influence and business sucess."
Hyperdermic Needle Theory

- just like a syrenge used to inject drugs in body
- mas the media injects messages directly into the minds of viewers/ listeners/ readers
- This draws attention to the power of the media producers over its audiences.
- It makes audiences seem 'passive' and 'powerless'

- as my critical investigation is about how males are influenced form adverts, this theory fits in becuase what they see is what they consume and the output is the influenc eon their life style

"One such theorist stated that the new found media was manipulating the mainstream masses and deliberately causing crime and violence for financial gain. Although this argument has been cast aside man times it always returns in modern society when there is a severe outbreak of violence on TV."

“it is the process of creating shared meaning.”(J.Baran, Introduction to mass communication).

“It views audience as the passive receptors of virulent viruses produce by the media” (Starker, Evil influences: crusades against the mass media).

"It can be argued that the mass media is used as “an instrument”, both more powerful and more flexible than anything in previous existence, for influencing people into certain modes of belief and understanding within society."

Cultivation Thoery

- As audiences watch more and more TV and films they gain more opinions and views on the world. They follow the status quo and Hegemony.

Hegemony - a theory of ideologies and beleives that reiterate dominant ideologies.
- It draws attention to the fact that audiences gain a lot of thier knowledge from the media. Although it does encourage false measures.

"Cultivation theory is a social theory designed in the 1950s and '70s to examine the role of television on Americans. Another kind of cultivation effect is Computer Mediated Communication or (CMC) this kind of communication is done by email, list servers, use net groups and chat rooms"

"The mass media are controlled by people who are in power in society, and therefore tend to provide representations which uphold the status quo."

"television is a cultural arm of the established industrial order and as such serves primarily to maintain, stabilize and reinforce rather than to alter, threaten or weaken conventional beliefs and behaviours"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Major News Providers in the UK - and what they own

Independant Broadcasting Authority

News Corp- Rupert Murdock
News International
Rotten Tomatoes
News of The World
The Sun
The Sunday Times

BBC - Jimmy Wales
BBC 1, BBC 2
BBC Radio
BBC Online

Independant Television Authority - Kenneth Clark